Tuesday 30 December 2008

Did the world Learn From the Past

Let us remember the holocaust and learn the lesson. I write for those who love justice and believe in human rights; the holocaust, or Shoah in Hebrew, was the genocide of millions of European Jews by the Nazi regime during the World War II (read the details of the holocaust on Wikipedia to inform yourself of the oppression of man to his fellow men).

Read about the kristallnacht--literally, "Night of Crystal," that occurred in November 1938.
During that time, great calamity and oppression befell thousands of Jews of Polish citizenship living in Germany (read about it from the Wikipedia).

I also ask you to read about the gas chambers and the extermination camps, I urge you to read about the Jewish resistance represented in the Jewish partisans or fighters who as quoted from Wikipedia "The partisans engaged in guerilla warfare and sabotage against the Nazi occupation, instigated ghetto uprisings and freed prisoners."

Read about the calamity done by humans against humans tens of years ago, and watch the calamity that is going on today. Read about the holocaust and picture the past against what you see today going on in Palestine by the hands of yesterday's victims! The same calamity is being repeated today but with different people- the victims of today are innocent palestinians.

Ironically, commenting on the calamity that is going on in Palestine, Mr Obama said: "if someone was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I am going to do everything in my power to stop that" he added: "And I would expect the Israelis to do the same thing."
I ask Mr Obama: what would you do if someone takes over your house, claiming to own it, forcing your daughters to a corner, terrorising them, starving them, and depriving them of their human rights!"

People commemorate the catastrophe of the past to learn lessons so that the world would enjoy peace in our present time and future. But alas, do we reflect? Do we learn?

I want to ask leaders of all nations of the world, specially leaders of the nations that participated in this tragedy of Palestine now and in the past, do you consider yourselves as just people? Do you really believe in human rights? I want to ask what is your definition of peace? what is your definition of justice?

If the world justifies and blesses the killing of the innocent, then what did we learn? What is the use of memorizing the calamities of the past?

Shame on a world that justifies or supports oppressing and killing of the innocent!
Shame on a world that hears cries of oppressed children and turns deaf ears!
Shame on a world that sees injured innocent children and turns blind eyes!
Shame on humans who claim morality while exterminating other innocents!
Shame on politicians and media who play with words to fool their audience and readers!
Shame on the audience and readers who accept to be fooled!
Shame on the civilized man of the twenty first century who witnesses such calamity and justifies it!
Shame on every person who participated in the genocide of the innocent Palestinians!

Let us do our best and pray to Our Creator to help and save the oppressed of the world.

1 comment:

Dominique said...

My dear sister, I have recently come to realization how really important it is to remind one another about LEARNING FROM THE PAST. HOW IMPORTANT IT IS NOT TO REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKE. For in the last few days and following the 22 days of atrocities against the Palestinians, I have come across people who, although out of pain and anger, have quoted Adolf Hitler's famous horrible words. Whilst i can understand the anger people are trying to convey (as the Israeli government IS acting similarly), to react in such a way makes us no better - as Hitler's actions were monstrous and his victims no less victims than the Palestinians whom we support.