Tuesday 27 January 2009

Behind Hardships

The atrocity on innocent civilians in Gaza shows an ugly face of mankind. On the other hand, the solidarity and the amazing support by the people in Britain to get the humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, to reduce the sufferings of fellow humans on the other side of the world, highlights the bright side of mankind. This side is what makes us humans!

Well done people of Britain!

Monday 26 January 2009

Can We Learns from Animals

Regardless of their differences some animals can get on well together. They can forget their differences and show passion and mercy towards each other.

in May 2002, one of the newspapers published a true story of a kind dog who lived with a cat, for some years, in a household. Both the dog and the cat were good friends. The dog did not have puppies of her own, but she took a lot of interest watching the cat nursing her kittens.
One day, the mother cat was run over by a car. Since then, the dog stepped forward to nurse the orphan kitten, clean them and above all she started to produce milk and suckle her friend's babies!

Man was given the intellectual power with which he was made a khlifah on earth. And he was honoured above other creatures. But, some of us mankind cannot even do like the hero dog of our story. Some humans, all over history of mankind on earth, in all corners of our planet, take differences in race, sex, religion or tongue and nationality as a reason for discrimination up to wars and fighting; they do not only kill fighters, but children, mothers and elderly people. Can we learn from animals!

the photo top right is taken from blogspot.usatoday
(the story does not belong to this particular photo)

Night Prayers

Prophet Muhammad taught us

  • Duaa' as the sun sets and the night starts:
"اللهم هذا إقبال ليلك وإدبار نهارك وأصوات دعاتك فاغفر لى"
"Allahumma hadha iqbalu lailika, wa idbaru naharika, wa aswatu du'atika, faghfir li"
"O Allah, this is the start of the night, the end of the day, and the sound of those who pray to you, so forgive me"

  • Duaa' after the sunset and performing maghrib prayer
The Prophet may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him said that whoever recites the following supplication after maghrib prayer, Allah sends guards to protect him/her from Satan until the morning. And when he/she repeats this prayer 10 times, he/she gains 10 rewards and 10 of his/her sins will be cancelled:
"لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيى ويميت وهو على كل شئ قدير"
"la ilaha illa Allahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu almulku, wa lahu alhamdu, yuhyi wa yumiitu wa hua ala kulli shay'in qadir"
"There is no god but Allah, the only One, He has no partners. all Sovereignty is His. He gives life and He takes it. He is able to do everything"

  • Duaa' before you go to sleep:
There are several forms of prayers to read at that time just before you sleep. I selected one of them;

باسمك اللهم وضعت جنبى وبك أرفعه
Bismika allahumma wa da'tu janbi, wa bi ka arfa'uhu
إن أمسكت نفسى فارحمها
In amsakta nafsi farhamha
وإن ارسلتها فاحفظها بما تحفظ به عبادك الصالحين
wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazbihi ibadika assalihiin

"O Allah, with your name I laid my side, and with your name I raise it.
O Allah, if you withhold my soul, make it die, grant it your mercy,
But, if you release it, leave it to live, protect it as you protect your righteous servants.

The Power of Prayer 'Duaa' (2)

Remembrence of Allah is generally called dhikr in Arabic. It can be:
  • reciting Allah's own words,which is the Qur'an,
  • reciting any form of praise, or glorifying Allah.
  • praying to God asking for anything, which is called duaa'.

Duaa', which is prayer or supplication, acquires a high status in Islam. It is known to be at the heart of worship as the Prophet, salla Allahu alihi wasallam,(SAW), taught us:
"الدعاء مخ العبادة"

By analysing the act of duaa' , prayer/supplication , we find that it implies:
  • acknowledging the presence of Allah,
  • acknowledging that He is the God with ultimate power,
  • acknowledging that He hears what we say- in secret or in public, and
  • acknowledging that He is fully able to grant us what we request. Thus, making prayer or supplication to God is definitely a practical way of expressing our tawhid, which is affirming that Allah is the Only God and Creator.

Duaa', prayer/supplication, is a key that leads to our happiness in this life and in the hearafter. Once we engage in prayer and remembrance of Allah, straightaway we become in His presence. Allah said in the Qudsi Hadith:
"أنا جليس من ذكرنى"
"I am with whoever remembers me"
We are never alone once we start making prayer. So, in times when you feel lonely, in need of help, depressed or afraid, turn to Allah at once; pray and speak to Him. At the very moment you start praying, Allah will be with you. Never be shy to ask Him as much or as frequently as you can. Allah loves you to do so.

In the Qur'an Allah encourages His servants to turn to Him and ask what they want.
In chapter,40 (ghafir): 60, He says:
"وقال ربكم ادعونى استجب لكم إن الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتى سيدخلون جهنم داخرين"
"Your Lord says: 'Call on Me and I will answer you; those who are too proud to worship me will enter Hell humiliated"

In this verse, Allah promises to answer prayers of those who turn to Him and ask. It is important to note that in this verse, duaa' is also described as worship.

Then, in the same chapter, 40, in verse 65, Allah tells us one of the conditions that are necessary for our prayer to be answered:
" هو الحى لا إله إلا هو فادعوه مخلصين له الدين الحمد لله رب العالمين"
"He is the Ever Living, there is no god but Him, so call on Him with sincerity and devotion of your religion entirely to Him, Praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds"
As seen, purifying our tawhid and devotion to Allah, is necessary for answering our prayers.

Also, in chapter 2 in the Qur'an, Allah informs us more about answering our prayers;
chapter 2, al-Baqarah: 186, Allah says, speaking to Muhammad SAW:
"وإذا سألك عبادى عنى فإنى قريب أجيب دعوة الداعى إذا دعانى فليستجيبوا بى وليؤمنوا بى لعلهم يرشدون"
"If my servants ask you about Me, [tell them that] I am near; I respond to those who call Me, so they have to respond to Me and believe in Me that they may be rightly guided"

We see from this verse, how Allah is very close to us. actually He is closer to us than our own jugular veins (the veins in our necks). All we need to do is just turn our hearts to Him and call Him. He always responds.
But, we need to respond to His guidance and believe in Him and obey Him so that our prayer would be answered. Thus, believing in Allah, responding to His guidance by obeying Him is another condition we need to fulfill for our salvation and for our prayers to be answered.

Once, the companion Sa'd ibn Abi Waaqqas asked Prophet Muhammad SAW and said:
"يا رسول الله ادعو لى أن اكون مستجاب الدعوة"
"O Prophet of Allah, ask Allah to grant me a status that all my prayers would be answered"
The Prophet then replied:
"يا سعد أطب مطعمك تكن مستجاب الدعوة فوالذى نفس محمد بيده فإن العبد ليقذف اللقمة الحرام فى جوفه ما يتقبل الله منه عمل اربعين ليلة
"O Sa'd, make sure that what you eat is lawful and wholesome, then, you will be in such a high status where your prayers will be answered. Then, the Prophet continued: 'By Him whom my soul is in His hands, the deeds of any person who swallows an unlawful morsel of food will not be accepted by Allah for forty days."

To summarise, in order for our prayers to be answered we need to:
  • Be devote and sincere in our worship, deeds and our relation with Allah.
  • be obedient to Allah, by following His book and the Prophet's teachings
  • make sure that what we eat, including the food itself and the means by which we get it or buy it should be lawful, halal. In other words, we should obey Allah and eat in accordance to His guidance. If we do that, our bodies will be built from wholesome lawful stuff, the energy we consume in every movement will be from lawful sources, then Allah will accept our deeds and our prayers will be answered by Him. We can add to this list what we have learnt from the previous article of 'the power of prayer':
  • being patient
  • being God mindful
  • remembrance of Allah.
(This subject will be continued in another article another week, in sha'Allah)

the photo at the top right is taken from www.ummah.com

Thursday 15 January 2009

news from Gaza

Dear readers, I came accross a very good blog written by a doctor from Gaza. She documents what is going on. If you are interested to follow the news from its people, please visit this blog: from Gaza with Love
the address of the blog fromgaza.blogspot.com

The Power of Prayer Duaa' (1)

When we are faced with hardship of any kind, we tend to turn to Allah asking His help and support. However, some of us might not be sure how prayer, duaa', can be effective?

Just listen to the following true story that occurred at the time of the Prophet may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

'Aof ibn Malik was one of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) from the tribe of Ashja'. He had many children and was very poor. It appears that he had a son on whom the family relied for support. One day, this son was taken captive by the enemy. This was very hard for the family; in addition to losing their son, they were in great need for financial support.
So, Aof went to the Prophet (PBUH) complaining about their situation, asking for help. Instead of giving him money or food, the Prophet (PBUH) assured him saying that Allah will relieve their hardship. Then, he told Aof that he and his wife should be patient, mindful of Allah and increase in remembering Allah by saying' la hawla wa la quwata illa billah', which means 'neither strength nor power can be gained except from Allah'.
'Aof informed his wife of what the prophet told them to do. They both realised that they had to accept their difficulty with more patience. They kept on repeating this form of dhikr most of the time. During that time, while they were praying to Allah, repeating ' la hawla wa la quwata ila billah', Allah made it easy for their son to escape from his captivity, while the enemy were not taking notice.

As the parents were engaged in repeating the remembrance of Allah, the family was surprised to see their son could escape from the enemy and came back leading about forty of the enemy's sheep!

Because Aof was keen to follow the orders of the Prophet of having 'taqwa', which means to be mindful of Allah in everything we do, Aof was not sure if these sheep were lawful for the family to take and eat from.
It is amazing how God-mindful Aof was! Despite his poverty and the great need his family was suffering, he did not take his children's hunger as an excuse to eat or take what might be unlawful. So, instead of taking the sheep his son brought, he went to Prophet Muhammad to check. For his joy, the Prophet declared that it was lawful for them to make use of the sheep.

To summarise, three factors here were in action to hasten Allah's blessings;
  • please Allah by being mindful of Him in all what one does,
  • remember Allah most of the time, here the special form of dhikr was la hawla wa la quwata illa billah, لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
  • and be patient with the difficulty you are facing. of course depending on the difficulty, you will need to act in accordance. This is where being mindful of Allah comes in action; your actions must be in accordance to what Allah has ordained, this is called 'taqwa'.
My very dear reader, try to implement this triad; of being steadfast, mindful of Allah in all what you do, and remember Him most of the time. To draw yourself nearer to Allah and have your prayers answered, you need not just to learn what to do, but to act upon that, to live by what you have learnt. The life of our Prophet Muhammad is not a story to enjoy and tell others about it, rather it is a way of life we need to follow and live by to gain success and happiness this life and in the hereafter.
Try this form of dhikr and remember the innocents in Gaza and the oppressed all over the world. You never know the power of this prayer;
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
'la hawla wa la quwata illa billah'

Here are some useful information about this special prayer and form of remembrance we learnt this article:

Abu Dharr the companion of the Prophet narrated, that one day he went to sit with Prophet Muhammad in the mosque. The Prophet ordered him to pray first, then to seek refuge from the devils of humans and Jinn. Then Prophet Muhammad told Abu Dharr: Would you like me to teach you one of the treasures of Jannah, Paradise? Abu Dharr, said: "Yes." Muhammad (PBUH) said to him; "Say la hawla wa la quwata illa billah,
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

In another narration, Abu Dharr said:
أوصانى خليلى صلى الله عليه وسلم بسبع: " أمرنى بحب المساكين والدنو منهم, وأمرنى أن أنظر إلى من هو دونى, وأن لا أسأل أحد شيئا, وأن أصل الرحم وإن أدبرت, وأن أقول الحق ولو كان مرا, وألا أخاف فى الله لومة لائم, وأن أكثر من قول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله: فإنهن
من كنز من تحت العرش

My beloved companion, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, advised me of seven things:
He ordered me to love the people in need and to draw my self closer to them,
To compare myself to those who are less fortunate than me. By doing so, one would be able to appreciate the numerous blessings he already has.
Not to ask anything from anyone,
To keep contact with my relatives even if they averted from me,
To say the truth, even if it was bitter,
Not to fear criticism while doing what pleases Allah,
And to increase remembering Allah by articulating this form of dhikr, la hawla wa la quwata illa billah, These words are among a treasure placed just below the Throne of Allah.

Monday 5 January 2009

From the Teachings of the Prophet

Looking after our community and environment

In the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad was praised by Allah as having a great sublime character. Anyone who values morality will find it lived by throughout the life of Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Through his actions and sayings, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught his followers the great morals humanity need to live by. Here, I selected for you some of Muhammad's teachings that reflect his character and teach us how to acquire it.

My method in displaying this will be through writing the exact words of the Prophet's sayings in Arabic, then explain and interpret the meanings rather than literally translate the words. This is because literal translation, particularly between two languages such as Arabic and English, is insufficient in conveying the meanings.

Muhammad (PBUH) used to encourage his followers to interact positively in their community. The Prophet's companion, Abu Hurayrah narrated:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من اصبح منكم اليوم صائما؟ " فقال ابو بكرأنا .
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من أطعم منكم اليوم مسكينا؟" فقال أبو بكر : أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:" من تبع منكم اليوم جنازة؟ فقال أبوبكر : أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من عاد منكم اليوم مريضا؟" فقال أبوبكر: أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "مااجتمعت هذه الخصال قط فى رجل إلا دخل الجنة

One day the Prophet asked his companions: who of you is fasting today? His best friend Abu Bakr replied: Me.
Then, the Prophet asked: "Who fed someone in need today? Abu bakr answered: Me.
The Prophet Peace be upon him asked: "Who followed a funeral today?" Abu bakr said: Me.
Then, the Prophet asked: "Who visited an ill person today?" Abu bakr also answered: Me.
Then Prophet Muhammad who considered each of these good deeds as a good trait, told his companions: "A person who combines all these traits will certainly enter Paradise."

Here, Muhammad (PBUH) linked between performing acts of worship like fasting with participating in the community in charity acts such as in feeding the needy; with having good social relations, such as showing condolence and sympathizing with others in the time of sorrow - as in following a funeral; and visiting people when they are ill.
Here, the Prophet wanted to show his followers how a Muslim should be; and how our relation with our God through worship should be reflected in our personal behaviour in a positive way in the communities we live in.

His teaching did not stop at caring for our fellow humans, it extended to caring for the environment including plants and animals. He said:
ما من مسلم يغرس غرسا أو يزرع زرعا فيأكل منه طير أو إنسان إلا كان له به صدقة"
'A Muslim who sows a seed or cultivates a plant, will gain rewards for every bird or human who eats from it- this will count for him as a charity'

He also, said:
"ما من مسلم يغرس غرسا إلا كان منه له صدقة ، وما سرق منه له صدقة، ولايرزوه أحد إلا كان له صدقة يوم القيامة "
'Some of what a Muslim plants will be counted as charity for him on the Day of Judgement- if some of it was stolen or if people benefited from it in any way.'

Some of us might feel unhappy when we plant something and find out that others steal from it, or benefit from it without our permission- like people get shaded under one of our trees while passing by our lands, or animals eat from our crops. This might even discourage some people from planting, or lead others to build fences around their property. So, in order to encourage the trait of sharing with others among his followers, Prophet Muhammad praised the people of Madina for the generosity they were known for; they used to help the needy, spend in charity from their wealth and be generous to the wayfarers. He then wondered why when Allah blessed them with Islam and having Allah's messenger to live amongst them, they started to build fences around their gardens and fields? So, He taught them and us: 'There is a reward for you for every human who eats from what you plant. Also, you will gain rewards, on the Day of Judgement, for every beast or bird that eats from your crops.'

the prophet wanted to encourage people to be generous with every body including those whom they do not know, and extended this generosity to care for the creatures who have habitat near them.

From these teachings we see that a true believer does not retreat and live for himself. Rather his/her belief in Allah should transform him/her to have warm relations and a positive impact on those around him/her- not only humans but also living creatures.

To be a true Muslim and enter Paradise, one needs to follow Muhammad's sublime character all the time.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Unacceptable Behaviour

People feel outraged by the slaughter of innocent civilians; children, women and elderly people in Palestine. They feel angry, which is a natural part of being a human. It is no sin to feel angry, but one has to control his/her anger, because everyone is responsible for his/her own way of expressing it. If we want Allah to respond to our prayers, we must behave in a way that pleases Him. Also, we have to remember that Allah is Just and Fair, He does not like transgression or the transgressors whoever they are. Also, Allah does not like oppression or the oppressors whoever they are. So if we want Allah to respond to our prayer we should never be transgressors or oppressors.

There is no blame on anyone for having feelings such as anger or sadness, etc. At the same time, we need to remember that we will be held accountable before Allah for our actions. Some of the people who took part in one of the demonstrations threw shoes! Now this is unacceptable behaviour. People who do such very demeaning acts are only representing themselves. But the problem is that they give a false and bad image of those whom they belong to. Such a way of expressing anger is considered very low in the eyes of respectable people in the Arab world. Those who do it for whatever reason are looked upon as behaving in a very low way. It is not acceptable.

The way we behave reflects who we are. We should learn from the Prophet may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. He was the most decent and polite person with everyone in all circumstances -when he was angry and when he was pleased. Allah praised His Prophet for his great character in chapter 68 verse 4:

( و إنك لعلى خلق عظيم )
"Truly, you have a great and noble character"

If we really love our Prophet and respect our religion, the communities we belong to and ourselves, we must take the Prophet as our example and behave in accordance to the code of behaviour he taught us.