Monday 5 January 2009

From the Teachings of the Prophet

Looking after our community and environment

In the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad was praised by Allah as having a great sublime character. Anyone who values morality will find it lived by throughout the life of Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Through his actions and sayings, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught his followers the great morals humanity need to live by. Here, I selected for you some of Muhammad's teachings that reflect his character and teach us how to acquire it.

My method in displaying this will be through writing the exact words of the Prophet's sayings in Arabic, then explain and interpret the meanings rather than literally translate the words. This is because literal translation, particularly between two languages such as Arabic and English, is insufficient in conveying the meanings.

Muhammad (PBUH) used to encourage his followers to interact positively in their community. The Prophet's companion, Abu Hurayrah narrated:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من اصبح منكم اليوم صائما؟ " فقال ابو بكرأنا .
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من أطعم منكم اليوم مسكينا؟" فقال أبو بكر : أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم:" من تبع منكم اليوم جنازة؟ فقال أبوبكر : أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من عاد منكم اليوم مريضا؟" فقال أبوبكر: أنا.
فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "مااجتمعت هذه الخصال قط فى رجل إلا دخل الجنة

One day the Prophet asked his companions: who of you is fasting today? His best friend Abu Bakr replied: Me.
Then, the Prophet asked: "Who fed someone in need today? Abu bakr answered: Me.
The Prophet Peace be upon him asked: "Who followed a funeral today?" Abu bakr said: Me.
Then, the Prophet asked: "Who visited an ill person today?" Abu bakr also answered: Me.
Then Prophet Muhammad who considered each of these good deeds as a good trait, told his companions: "A person who combines all these traits will certainly enter Paradise."

Here, Muhammad (PBUH) linked between performing acts of worship like fasting with participating in the community in charity acts such as in feeding the needy; with having good social relations, such as showing condolence and sympathizing with others in the time of sorrow - as in following a funeral; and visiting people when they are ill.
Here, the Prophet wanted to show his followers how a Muslim should be; and how our relation with our God through worship should be reflected in our personal behaviour in a positive way in the communities we live in.

His teaching did not stop at caring for our fellow humans, it extended to caring for the environment including plants and animals. He said:
ما من مسلم يغرس غرسا أو يزرع زرعا فيأكل منه طير أو إنسان إلا كان له به صدقة"
'A Muslim who sows a seed or cultivates a plant, will gain rewards for every bird or human who eats from it- this will count for him as a charity'

He also, said:
"ما من مسلم يغرس غرسا إلا كان منه له صدقة ، وما سرق منه له صدقة، ولايرزوه أحد إلا كان له صدقة يوم القيامة "
'Some of what a Muslim plants will be counted as charity for him on the Day of Judgement- if some of it was stolen or if people benefited from it in any way.'

Some of us might feel unhappy when we plant something and find out that others steal from it, or benefit from it without our permission- like people get shaded under one of our trees while passing by our lands, or animals eat from our crops. This might even discourage some people from planting, or lead others to build fences around their property. So, in order to encourage the trait of sharing with others among his followers, Prophet Muhammad praised the people of Madina for the generosity they were known for; they used to help the needy, spend in charity from their wealth and be generous to the wayfarers. He then wondered why when Allah blessed them with Islam and having Allah's messenger to live amongst them, they started to build fences around their gardens and fields? So, He taught them and us: 'There is a reward for you for every human who eats from what you plant. Also, you will gain rewards, on the Day of Judgement, for every beast or bird that eats from your crops.'

the prophet wanted to encourage people to be generous with every body including those whom they do not know, and extended this generosity to care for the creatures who have habitat near them.

From these teachings we see that a true believer does not retreat and live for himself. Rather his/her belief in Allah should transform him/her to have warm relations and a positive impact on those around him/her- not only humans but also living creatures.

To be a true Muslim and enter Paradise, one needs to follow Muhammad's sublime character all the time.

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